Friday, November 28, 2014

Turkey sausage stir fry

1 red bell pepper 
1 yellow bell pepper
1 orange bell pepper
1 jalapeño sliced
1 onion of your choosing diced
Salt and pepper to taste 

I made this guys and it's really good 

Friday, November 21, 2014

This week

This week I admit I was ready to quit I had a couple bad weeks where I lost nothing . I was feeling pretty bad but a few patients and friends talked me out of it I am doing this for me they reminded . So here I am not ready to give up if you to are  struggling with the weight loss please feel free to write to me we can do this together 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Thanksgiving Meal Ideas

Ideal Protein Friendly Recipe! Enjoy Thanksgiving Recipes, friendly for all phase! #MashedPotatoes #Gravy #ThanksgivingStuffingAndOatmealBiscuits

Stay on track and enjoy delicious Ideal Protein Friendly pies over the holiday season!
Ideal Protein Pie Crust
1 packet Ideal Protein Maple Oatmeal
1 packet Ideal Protein Crepe/Pancake mix
1 egg white
3-5 TBS of cold Water
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spay an 8 inch pie plate with non-stick baking spray. In a small mixing bowl combine Ideal Protein Oatmeal and Crepe Mix. Beat in egg white and water to create a thick paste. With a wet rubber spatula spread the crust mixture to cover the inside of the pie plate. Bake for about 10-15 minutes or until golden brown and crispy. Cool.

Enjoy this amazing Chocolate Pumpkin treat!  #pumpkin #Chocolate #idealproteinrecipe #valeoweightloss


I am gong to try this this week sounds so good

Salmon Burgers 1 14.75 ounce can salmon (yields 9-9.5 ounces salmon when drained and cleaned of skin and bones) 1 small zucchini, grated and squeezed (approximately 1/3 cup) 1 T chopped fresh dill 1 Ideal Protein Potato Puree packet* mixed with 2 ounces hot (not boiling) water 1 egg white Olive oil spray

Cinnamon Maple Oatmeal Muffins

Healthy Oatmeal Muffins
For All phases on the Ideal Protein Diet Protocol
(Makes 4 muffins – 2 Ideal Protein Diet meals)
1 package Ideal Protein Plain Crepe
1 package Ideal Protein Maple Oatmeal
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp cinnamon
Pinch salt
1 tsp. Splenda or Stevia
1 egg white
3-4 oz water
Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C). Mix dry ingredients together. Combine wet ingredients and add to dry ingredients. Mix until batter is smooth. Fill 4 non-stick muffin tins approximately 2/3 full. There should be enough batter for 4 muffins (2 Ideal Protein meals). Bake for 15-20 minutes. These are delicious served warm from the oven with a little bit of Ideal Protein Maple Syrup or Walden Farms syrup for dipping!

My stir fry

I used 8 oz pre- cut chicken strips 
1 Red bell pepper 
1 Green bell pepper 
1 Green onion 
1/2 tsp Organic garlic from sprouts market 
a dash of Ideal Protein salt and pepper 
Mixed all in my electric fry pan cooked for  minutes and served in a bowl 

My journey with Ideal Protein...

Hello everyone my name is Becky Garska.

I grew up here in the Grand valley and graduated at a local high school.  I am married and have a couple children, my family is my life.  I have always been a bigger girl most of my life and had trained myself to eat junk.  I do a lot of things with my family and it was so easy to fall into the drive thru life so here I am today at a weight that brings me down at times.

I ate at places like McDonalds, Burger King and others as well.  I fried every meal I cooked at home and loaded it with cheese and sauces.  Believe me it added on fast.  I also am a bored eater so if there are chips and such around and I am alone I would eat them.

I tried various programs like weight watchers and working out at the gym and even weight loss drugs that only made me feel terrible.  I lost some and gained twice as much back each time.  I was ready to give up and was down about my appearance. I worked with beautiful young ladies and didn't feel I fit in I was the older fat lady or so I thought.

I started work at Fruita Chiropractic and they have Ideal Protein.  I was skeptical at first but I talked to a few of the patients and saw major results so it got me thinking that I can do this for myself and my family. Since starting I have learned in just the 5 weeks that I can make my life different it wasn't that I was the depressed fat girl I just had never really known how to eat well.  I now have trained myself to eat better, like cutting out sugars and dairy which was hard for me as I was a pop drinker and ate a lot of candies.  I now eat more healthy foods like vegetables and drink tea and water.
I didn't have to give up everything good I just learned to cook it different.  I can still have goodies and still be healthy.  In the 5 weeks I have dropped down 11.5 Lbs something I have never done before.

My hope by doing this Blog and posting in it is to help others like me see that you can do this and that we are in this together. Sometimes a buddy is all you need.